Websphere MQ Version
This post describes the installation and configuration of IBM MQ 6 ( on Solaris 10 (5.10)
May be installed on a global zone
If installed on a non-global zone, should be installed on a whole root zone(Cannot be installed on a sparse root zone)
Installation to be done as 'root'
Steps to be followed
1. Add the group called 'mqm'
groupadd mqm
2. Add the user 'mqm' - member of group 'mqm'
useradd -g mqm -d /export/home/mqm -m mqm
3. Run the command
project -l
If no project for group 'mqm' exist, use projadd
4. untar the installer(for example C87RWML.tar)
tar -xvf C87RWML.tar
5. Run './mqlicense.sh'
Read the license and accept the same
6. run the following command
pkgadd -d. (including the dot at the end)
This displays the list of all packages
Select the option 'all'
Note: Errors like the following may be ignored
Executing post install scripts
Insufficient privilege error
Runs on default port 1414
To start using MQ:
1. Configure Q Manager
crtmqm (Create MQ Manager)
crtmqm HACSTG01
2. Start MQ Manager
strmqm (Start MQ Manager)
strmqm HACSTG01
3. Start MQ Listener
runmqlsr -m HACSTG01 -t TCP &
For many other administrative tasks open the MQ Command Prompt - This is an interactive program
runmqsc HACSTG01
You can create local/ remote/ trans, etc queues using the command 'DEFINE'
Using Windows based MQ Explorer to administer MQ
Create an OS user(in the group mqm) with which the explorer will connect - (for example name can be mqadmin)
This should be the same name as the Windows account using which we are running the MQ Explorer.
Create a channel using runmqsc
SRVCON -channeltype
This post is probably where I got the most useful information for my research. Thanks for posting, maybe we can see more on this.
Are you aware of any other websites on this
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